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2020-01-27 15:2015300询价
价格 30000.00
发货 上海
品牌 Millipore
产地 德国

NOVA60(A)可以对所有类型的水样进行分析,是您日常测试工作的最优选择。它可以使用所有的默克预装试剂和所有经济装试剂。具有不同量程的超过170种测试试剂使得NOVA60成为一款通用型的多参数水质分析仪。仪器支持50条用户自编分析曲线。NOVA60A由于带有可充电电池,非常适合于现场和野外使用。仪器的Multi-Achat II软件能方便的建立仪器和计算机间的通讯而下载数据,同时RS232接口可以从互联网上下载最新测试方法而完成对仪器的免费升级。



12档波长:340, 410, 445, 500, 525, 550, 565, 605, 620, 665, 690, 820 nm,精度: ± 2 nm, 半波宽:10 nm;光度重现性: 0.001 A at 1.000 A 分辨率:0.001 A;
显示类型: 吸光度和浓度, 吸光度范围: - 0.300 A - 3.200 A
比色皿类型:10, 20, 50 mm方形比色皿和16 mm圆形比色管,自动识别;
RS232 C接口,可连接打印机和电脑,免费方法升级;
电源供给:220V, 50 Hz储存温度: -25 °C - 65 °C 工作温度:: +5 °C - 40 °C湿度: 75% 体积: 140 x 270 x 260 mm (H x D x B) 重量: 2.3 kg


· 内置预制超过130条标准曲线,可对水和废水中超过50多个指标进行分析;
· NOVA30/60/400仪器内置方法都储存了空白值,在进行样品测量时被自动扣除。如无特殊需要,用户不用自己做空白值扣除工作——节约试剂和实验时间。
· 条形码自动识别测试方法,操作简单,快速,方便,避免测试错误;
· 强大的AQA分析质量控制程序,保证结果的准确性;
· 零点校正,浊度修正和波长的校验,提高测试的精度;
· 可选配蓄电池,满足应急及现场监测;
· 配置RS232标准接口,能处理数据,并可免费升级分析方法,投资永远不会过期;
· 多种测试方法通过德国DIN及美国USEPA认证,并在中国国家环境监测总站通过检测(有检测报告)。

1.14965.0001 Alcohol Cell Test酒精测试管 0.40 - 5.00 g/l Alc, 0.051 - 0.633 Vol-% Alc  25 Tests 
1.14825.0001 Aluminium Test 铝测试包 0.020 - 1.20 mg/l   350 Tests
1.14739.0001 Ammonium Cell Test铵测试管 0.010 - 2.000 mg/l NH4-N,0.01 - 2.58 mg/l NH4+  25 Tests 
1.14559.0001 Ammonium Cell Test铵测试管 4.0 - 80.0 mg/l NH4-N,5.2 - 103.0 mg/l NH4+   25 Tests 
1.14558.0001 Ammonium Cell Test铵测试管 0.20 - 8.00 mg/l NH4-N,0.26 - 10.30 mg/l NH4+  25 Tests 
1.14544.0001 Ammonium Cell Test铵测试管 0.5 - 16.0 mg/l NH4-N,0.6 - 20.6 mg/l NH4+  25 Tests 
1.00683.0001 Ammonium Test 铵测试包2.0 - 150 mg/l NH4-N,2.6 - 193 mg/l NH4+  96 Tests 
1.14752.0001 Ammonium Test 铵测试包0.010 - 3.00 mg/l NH4-N,0.010 - 3.86 mg/l NH4+   500 Tests 
1.00675.0001 AOX Cell Test 除草剂残留测试管0.05 - 2.50 mg/l   25 Tests
1.00678.0001 AOX Enrichment Set除草剂残留富集包
1.00677.0001 AOX Sample Preparation Set 除草剂残留测试样品制备包 25 Tests
1.00687.0001 BOD Cell Test BOD测试管 0.5 - 3000 mg/l   50 Tests
1.00688.0001 BOD Nutrient-Salt Mixture (with allyl thiourea)BOD营养盐混合剂 for 12 x 1l nutrient-salt solution 
1.00718.0001 BOD Standard (analogous to EN 1899) BOD标准 for 10 x 1l standard solution 210± 20 mg/l
1.00826.0001 Boron Cell Test 硼测试管 0.05 - 2.00 mg/l B   25 Tests
1.14839.0001 Boron Test 硼测试包 0.050 - 0.800 mg/l B   60 Tests
1.00605.0001 Bromine Test 溴测试包 0.020 - 7.50 mg/l Br2   150 Tests
1.14834.0001 Cadmium Cell Test 镉测试管 0.025 - 1.000 mg/l Cd   25 Tests
1.00858.0001 Calcium Cell Test 钙测试管 10 - 250 mg/l Ca,14 - 350 mg/l CaO,  25 - 624 mg/l CaCO3 25 Tests 
1.14815.0001 Calcium Test 钙测试包 5 - 160 mg/l Ca,7 - 224 mg/l CaO,13 - 400 mg/l CaCO3  90 Tests 
1.14730.0001 Chloride Cell Test氯根测试包 5 - 125 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14897.0001 Chloride Test 氯根测试包 2.5 - 250 mg/l   50 Tests
1.14755.0001 Chloride Test 氯根测试包 1.0 - 150.0 mg/l Cl-  150 Tests
1.00597.0001 Chlorine Cell Test (free and total chlorine)氯测试管(余氯和总氯)  0.05 - 7.50 mg/l Cl2 75 Tests each
1.00595.0001 Chlorine Cell Test (free chlorine) 氯测试管(余氯) 0.05 - 7.50 mg/l Cl2   150 Tests
1.00608.0001 Chlorine Dioxide Test 二氧化氯测试包 0.020 - 7.50 mg/l ClO2   150 Tests
1.14732.0001 Chlorine Dioxide/Chlorine/Ozone Test二氧化氯/氯/臭氧测试包 0.020 - 5.00 mg/l ClO2,0.010 - 5.00 mg/l Cl2,0.010 - 5.00 mg/l O3  50 Tests 
1.14803.0001 Chlorine Test for swimming pools游泳池中氯测试包  0.05 - 5.0 mg/l   700 Tests
1.00599.0001 Chlorine Test (free and total chlorine) 氯测试包(余氯和总氯) 0.010 - 7.50 mg/l Cl2 75 Tests each
1.00598.0001 Chlorine Test (free chlorine)氯测试包(余氯) 0.010 - 7.50 mg/l Cl2
1.14828.0001 Chlorine Test 氯测试包(1.14826.0001的补充包) 0.010 - 7.50 mg/l Cl2 400tests each
1.00602.0001 Chlorine Test (total chlorine) 氯测试包(总氯)0.010 - 7.50 mg/l Cl2   150 Tests
1.14552.0001 Chromate Cell Test铬酸盐测试管 0.05 - 2.00 mg/l Cr,0.11 - 4.46 mg/l CrO4  25 Tests 
1.14758.0001 Chromate Test 铬酸盐测试包(1.14756.0001的补充包)0.010 - 3.00 mg/l Cr,0.02 - 6.69 mg/l CrO4 650 Tests 
1.18753.0001 COD Cell Test for non-Merck photometers 非默克仪器用COD测试管 0 - 15000 mg/l   25 Tests 
1.18752.0001 COD Cell Test for non-Merck photometers非默克仪器用COD测试管 0 - 1500 mg/l   25 Tests
1.18751.0001 COD Cell Test for non-Merck photometers 非默克仪器用COD测试管0 - 150 mg/l   25 Tests
1.18750.0001 COD Cell Test for non-Merck photometers 非默克仪器用COD测试管0 - 40 mg/l   25 Tests
1.09773.0001 COD Cell Test (Hg-free) COD测试管(不含汞)100 - 1500 mg/l   25 Tests
1.09772.0001 COD Cell Test (Hg-free) COD测试管(不含汞) 10 - 150 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14895.0001 COD Cell Test COD测试管 15 - 300 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14691.0001 COD Cell Test COD测试管 300 - 3500 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14690.0001 COD Cell Test COD测试管 50 - 500 mg/l   25 Tests 
1.14560.0001 COD Cell Test COD测试管 4.0 - 40.0 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14555.0001 COD Cell Test COD测试管 500 - 10000 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14541.0001 COD Cell Test COD测试管 25 - 1500 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14540.0001 COD Cell Test COD测试管 10 - 150 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14692.0001 CombiCheck 40 for checking the quality of photometric methods
for aluminium, lead, chromium, nickel and zinc 铝,铅,铬,镍,锌测试检验包(多参数标准)
1.14676.0001 CombiCheck 10 for checking the quality of photometric methods for ammonium, chloride, CSB, nitrate, phosphorus and sulfate铵,氯根,CSB,硝酸盐,磷,硫酸盐测试检验包(多参数标准)
1.14675.0001 CombiCheck 20 for checking the quality of photometric methods for ammonium, chloride, CSB, nitrate, phosphorus and sulfate铵,氯根,CSB,硝酸盐,磷,硫酸盐测试检验包(多参数标准)
1.14695.0001 CombiCheck 50 for checking the quality of photometric methods for ammonium, CSB and nitrogen
1.14689.0001 CombiCheck 70 for checking the quality of photometric methods for ammonium, CSB and nitrogen
1.14677.0001 CombiCheck 30 for checking the quality of photometric methods
for cadmium, iron, copper and manganese 镉,铁,铜,锰测试检验包(多参数标准)
1.14696.0001 CombiCheck 60 for checking the quality of photometric methods
for chloride and CSB 氯根,CSB测试检验包(多参数标准)
1.14738.0001 CombiCheck 80 for checking the quality of photometric methods
for CSB, nitrate and phosphorus 硝酸盐,CSB,磷测试检验包(多参数标准)
1.14553.0001 Copper Cell Test 铜测试管 0.05 - 8.00 mg/l Cu   25 Tests 
1.14767.0001 Copper Test 铜测试包 0.02 - 6.00 mg/l Cu   200 Tests
1.14561.0001 Cyanide Cell Test氰化物测试管 0.010 - 0.500 mg/l CN   25 Tests
1.09701.0001 Cyanide Test 氰化物测试包 0.002 - 0.500 mg/l CN   100 Tests
1.14800.0001 Cyanide Test 氰化物测试包 0.002 - 0.500 mg/l CN   200 Tests
1.14557.0001 Fluoride Cell Test 氟化物测试管 0.10 - 1.50 mg/l F?  25 Tests
1.14598.0001 Fluoride Test 氟化物测试包 0.10 - 20.0 mg/l   110 Tests
1.14500.0001 Formaldehyde Cell Test 甲醛测试管 0.10 - 8.00 mg/l HCHO   25 Tests 
1.14678.0001 Formaldehyde Test 甲醛测试包 0.02 - 8.00 mg/l HCHO   100 Tests
1.14821.0001 Gold Test 金测试包 0.5 - 12.0 mg/l Au   80 Tests
1.09711.0001 Hydrazine Test 肼测试包 0.005 - 2.00 mg/l N2H4   80 Tests
1.14731.0001 Hydrogen peroxide Cell Test 过氧化氢测试管 2.0 - 20.0 mg/l H2O2   25 Tests
1.00606.0001 Iodine Test 碘测试包 0.020 - 7.50 mg/l I2   150 Tests
1.14896.0001 Iron Cell Test 铁测试管 1.0 - 50.0 mg/l Fe   25 Tests
1.14549.0001 Iron Cell Test 铁测试管  0.05 - 4.00 mg/l Fe   25 Tests
1.00796.0001 Iron Test 铁测试包 0.010 - 5.00 mg/l Fe   150 Tests
1.14761.0001 Iron Test 铁测试包 0.005 - 5.00 mg/l Fe   1000 Tests
1.14833.0001 Lead Cell Test 铅测试管 0.10 - 5.00 mg/l Pb   25 Tests
1.09717.0001 Lead Test 铅测试包 0.010 - 5.00 mg/l Pb   50 Tests
1.14684.0001 Magnesium Cell Test 镁测试管 5.0 - 50.0 mg/l Mg   25 Tests
1.00815.0001 Magnesium Cell Test 镁测试管 5.0 - 75.0 mg/l Mg   25 Tests
1.00816.0001 Manganese Cell Test 锰测试管 0.10 - 5.00 mg/l Mn   25 Tests
1.14770.0001 Manganese Test 锰测试包 0.010 - 10.0 mg/l Mn   450 Tests
1.00860.0001 Molybdenum Cell Test 钼测试管 0.02 - 1.00 mg/l Mo   25 Tests
1.14554.0001 Nickel Cell Test 镍测试管 0.10 - 6.00 mg/l Ni   25 Tests
1.14785.0001 Nickel Test 镍测试包 0.02 - 5.00 mg/l Ni   960 Tests
1.14556.0001 Nitrate Cell Test in seawater 海水中硝酸盐测试管 0.10 - 3.00 mg/l NO3-N, 0.4 - 13.3 mg/l NO3-  25 Tests 
1.14563.0001 Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸盐测试管 0.5 - 25.0 mg/l NO3-N,2.2 - 110.7 mg/l NO3-   25 Tests 
1.14542.0001 Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸盐测试管 0.5 - 18.0 mg/l NO3-N,2.2 - 79.7 mg/l NO3-   25 Tests 
1.14764.0001 Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸盐测试管 1.0 - 50.0 mg/l NO3-N,4 - 221 mg/l NO3-   25 Tests 
1.00614.0001 Nitrate Cell Test 硝酸盐测试管 23 - 225 mg/l NO3-N,102 - 996 mg/l NO3-  25 Tests 
1.14942.0001 Nitrate test in seawater 海水中硝酸盐测试包 0.2 - 17.0 mg/l NO3-N,0.9 - 75.3 mg/l NO3?   50 Tests 
1.14773.0001 Nitrate Test 硝酸盐测试包 0.20 - 20.0 mg/l NO3-N, 0.9 - 88.5 mg/l NO3-   90 Tests 
1.09713.0001 Nitrate Test 硝酸盐测试包 0.10 - 25.0 mg/l NO3-N,0.4 - 110.7 mg/l NO3-  90 Tests 
1.14547.0001 Nitrite Cell Test亚硝酸盐测试管 0.010 - 0.700 mg/l NO2-N,0.03 - 2.30 mg/l NO2?   25 Tests 
1.14776.0001 Nitrite Test 亚硝酸盐测试包 0.005 - 1.00 mg/l NO2-N, 0.016 - 3.28 mg/l NO2-  400 Tests 
1.14537.0001 Nitrogen (total) Cell Test总氮测试管 0.5 - 15.0 mg/l N   25 Tests
1.14763.0001 Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 总氮测试管 10 - 150 mg/l N   25 Tests
1.00613.0001 Nitrogen (total) Cell Test 总氮测试管 0.5 - 15.0 mg/l N   25 Tests
1.14694.0001 Oxygen Cell Test 溶解氧测试管 0.5 - 12.0 mg/l O2   25 Tests
1.00607.0001 Ozone Test 臭氧测试包 0.010 - 7.50 mg/l O3   150 Tests
1.14551.0001 Phenol Cell Test 酚测试管 0.10 - 2.50 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14729.0001 Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸盐测试管
0.5 - 25.0 mg/l PO4-P,1.5 - 76.7 mg/l PO4-,  1.1 - 57.3 mg/l P2O5  25 Tests 
1.14543.0001 Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸盐测试管
0.05 - 5.00 mg/l PO4-P,0.2 - 15.3 mg/l PO4-,0.11 - 11.46 mg/l P2O5   25 Tests 
1.00616.0001 Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸盐测试管
3.0 - 100.0 mg/l PO4-P,9 - 307 mg/l PO4- ,7 - 229 mg/l P2O5   25 Tests 
1.14546.0001 Phosphate Cell Test 磷酸盐测试管
0.5 - 25.0 mg/l PO4-P,1.5 - 76.7 mg/l PO4-,1.1 - 57.3 mg/l P2O5   25 Tests 
1.14848.0001 Phosphate Test 磷酸盐测试包
0.010 - 5.00 mg/l PO4-P, 0.03 - 15.3 mg/l PO4-,0.02 - 11.46 mg/l P2O5   420 Tests
1.00798.0001 Phosphate Test 磷酸盐测试包 1.0 - 100.0 mg/l PO4-P,3 - 307 mg/l PO4-, 2 - 229 mg/l P2O5    100 Tests 
1.14842.0001 Phosphate Test 磷酸盐测试包 0.5 - 30.0 mg/l PO4-P,1.5 - 92.0 mg/l PO4-,1.1 - 68.7 mg/l P2O5   400 Tests 
1.14693.0001 PhotoCheck color solution in round cells for photometer testing 仪器检验包
1.14962.0001 PipeCheck solutions for checking the volume of pipettes 移液器容量检验溶液
1.14562.0001 Potassium Cell Test 钾测试管 5.0 - 50.0 mg/l K   25 Tests
1.00615.0001 Potassium Cell Test 钾测试管 30 - 300 mg/l K   25 Tests
1.14683.0001 Residual hardness Cell Test 残留硬度测试管 0.50 - 5.00 mg/l Ca,0.070 - 0.700°d ,0.087 - 0.874°e,0.12 - 1.25 °f,0.70 - 7.00 CaO ,1.2 - 12.5 mg/l CaCO3  25 Tests 
1.00857.0001 Silicate (Silicic Acid) Test 硅酸盐(硅酸)测试包 0.5 - 500 mg/l Si,1.1 - 1070 mg/l SiO2   100 Tests 
1.14794.0001 Silicate (Silicic Acid) Test硅酸盐(硅酸)测试包 0.005 - 5.00 mg/l Si,0.01 - 10.70 mg/l SiO2   300 Tests 
1.14831.0001 Silver Test 银测试管 0.25 - 3.00 mg/l Ag   100 Tests 
1.00885.0001 Sodium Cell Test in nutrient solutions for fertilization钠测试管  10 - 300 mg/l Na   25 Tests
1.09820.0001 Spectroquant Demo Set for photometers 演示包
1.14564.0001 Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸盐测试管 100 - 1000 mg/l SO42-   25 Tests 
1.14548.0001 Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸盐测试管 5 - 250 mg/l SO42-  25 Tests
1.00617.0001 Sulfate Cell Test 硫酸盐测试管 50 - 500 mg/l SO42-   25 Tests
1.14791.0001 Sulfate Test 硫酸盐测试包 25 - 300 mg/l SO42-   180 Tests
1.14779.0001 Sulfide Test 硫化物测试包 0.020 - 1.50 mg/l S2-   420 Tests 
1.14394.0001 Sulfite Cell Test 亚硫酸盐测试管 1.0 - 20.0 mg/l SO32-   25 Tests
1.14697.0001 Surfactants (anion.) Cell Test表面活性剂测试管  0.05 - 2.00 mg/l MBAS   25 Tests
1.14622.0001 Tin Cell Test 锡测试管 0.10 - 2.50 mg/l Sn   25 Tests
1.73500.0001 Screw caps for Spectroquant TOC digestion 6 pcs 总有机碳消解用盖子
1.14878.0001 TOC Cell Test总有机碳测试管 5.0 - 80.0 mg/l   25 Tests
1.14565.0001 Total Hardness Cell Test 总硬度测试管 5 - 150 mg/l Ca, 0.7 - 21.0°d,0.9 - 26.2° e, 1.3 - 37.5° f ,7 - 210 mg/l CaO,13 - 375 mg/l CaCO3,5 - 50 mg/l Mg  25 Tests 
1.00961.0001 Total Hardness Cell Test 总硬度测试管 5 - 215 mg/l Ca,0.7 - 30.1° d, 0.9 - 37.6° e,1.2 - 53.7° f,7 - 301 mg/l CaO,12 - 537 mg/l CaCO3   25 Tests 
1.14566.0001 Zinc Cell Test 锌测试管 0.20 - 5.00 mg/l Zn   25 Tests
1.14832.0001 Zinc Test 锌测试包 0.05 - 2.50 mg/l Zn   90 Tests


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