1. 专为安捷伦6400 & 6500系列设计的“即插即用”氮气发生器
2. 提供7*24小时不间断LC/MS等级氮气
3. 整体式无油压缩机,降低噪音技术
4. 消除不便和潜在危险氮气钢瓶
5. 结构紧凑,可靠,降低操作人员的关注,极少的维护
6. 不含邻苯二甲酸盐成分
Product Features:
1. Complete ‘Plug and Play’ system specifically designed for the Agilent 6400 & 6500
2. Produces a continuous supply of LC/MS grade nitrogen 24 hours a day
3. Integral oil free compressor, with noise reduction technology
4. Eliminate inconvenient and potentially dangerous nitrogen cylinders
5. Compact, reliable with minimal operator attention and maintenance
6. Phthalate-free componentry